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Nanjiang, busy with spring ploughing and planting

Source:互满爱人与人Date:2020-06-24 15:24:52Click:778

Author: Nanjiang project team

Jingzhe has arrived. In Nanjiang village, Lizi Township, Fengdu County, Chongqing, people walk into the fields. With the clear songs of cuckoos, the villagers are busy preparing the land and sowing rice seeds. Under the special circumstances brought by the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia, the project workers and Nanjiang village villagers are drawing up the lines to prepare the spring plowing.


At the beginning of the project, the project team went to the villagers' houses to talk with them, understand the farmers’ actual needs and difficulties encountered in the production, and help them improve their living conditions. At the same time, the villagers were organized to set up Farmers’ Clubs to distribute high-quality rice seeds to the farmers, so that they would not miss the deadline of sowing and start farming work in spring.


Looking as if they had made an appointment, the villagers all came to the fields on the same day, and the fertile paddy fields were full of villagers who prepared rice seedling fields and sowed rice seeds. They worked hard, there were smiles at their lips and they looked forward to the harvest.


There is a sense of ritual in sowing rice seeds. The villagers will sprinkle the tawny rice seeds on the seedbed and then walk along the seedbeds to see if they are evenly sprinkled. If they are satisfied, they will insert the prepared bamboo pieces into small arches, cover them with plastic film, and then compact them with mud. Each small greenhouse covers the secret of life, in which rice grows vigorously, absorbs enough water, bathes in sufficient sunlight, and gradually breaks through the soil to form tender green buds.


From time to time, the villagers will watch the growth of the seedlings through the plastic film. After all the seeds have started to grow, they will remove the plastic film, and green seedlings competing for length will sway gently in the breeze with dew hanging on their tip. Almost two months later, the villagers will transplant the seedlings to the rice field.


The seedlings here are growing slowly, while the project staff at the same time is busy planning for the next farming activities. While encouraging the villagers to use their own compost and green manure, the project purchases organic manure to the villagers,in order to ensure sustainable development of their ecological farming. In addition, the project staff organizes the villagers to participate in training relevant to farming and to understand new technology of organic rice planting.

When transplanting is finished, the project will purchase ducks to give to the villagers. Raising ducks in the rice fields can not only substitute the harmful chemical fertilizer and pesticides, but also secure the pure green production of rice. The ducks will eat weeds, injurious insects, and they will massage and loosen soil in the rice field. Finally they will benefit the farmers with the “double harvest” of rice and ducks.

"One millet in spring and ten thousand seeds in autumn". When autumn comes, our destiny is to have a good harvest.


Project introduction:

The Farmers Clubs’ Nanjiangproject in Fengdu, Chongqing is implemented by Chongqing Representative Office of Humana People to People in cooperation with the Poverty Alleviation and Development Office of Fengdu County. The project cycle is three years starting February 1, 2020. Through establishment of Farmers’ Clubs and Core Groups, the project will distribute high-quality rice seeds to the villagers, carry out an ecological rice pilot project, plant fruit trees, raise local chickens, organize training of the villages, establish an independent (“self owned”) brand and a direct marketing cooperative, furthermore build an Internet Marketing Platform, so as to help villagers develop appropriate industries and drive economic income growth. While fundamentally promoting rural development, the project also focuses on the improvement of rural women's self-awareness, mobilizes women's enthusiasm for doing a good job in their home regarding environmental sanitation, and promotes the establishment of an ecological environmentregarding human settlements. At the same time, we should develop industries with women as the main force, and encourage them to actively participate in the establishment of family- and rural production activities.


The content of this article only represents the author's personal views.
