
Home \  YLCSP Cooperative school \ Shilin County Ziyu Center Kindergarten

Shilin County Ziyu Center Kindergarten

Source:互满爱人与人国际运动联合会(瑞士)云南代表处Date:2022-07-13 11:25:31Click:293

School name:

Ziyu Center Kindergarten, Shilin County, Kunming City

School profile:

 Ziyu Center Kindergarten was successfully promoted to "Yunnan Province First-Class and Third-Class Demonstration Kindergarten" on November 2, 2012. It became the first township central kindergarten to be rated as a first-class kindergarten in Yunnan Province. Our kindergarten always adheres to standardizing the school, strives to optimize the educational environment, and continuously improves and enhances the quality of teaching. He has successively undertaken the observation site of the Yunnan Provincial Early Childhood Education Reform and Development Conference and the Shilin County Kindergarten Management Site Meeting. In 2019, it was rated as a kindergarten with national football characteristics.

Our kindergarten has a team of teachers who are caring, united, dedicated, aggressive and cohesive. They have rich teaching experience, extensive professional knowledge and strong class management skills. They apply a variety of educational methods to develop children's Intelligence, cultivate children's ability, so that each child's personality can be fully developed. Your children will receive professional education and care in our kindergarten, where they will "learn happily and develop harmoniously"!


School  photos

School project organization structure:

1) Low-Carbon Pioneer School Promotion Group (Leading Group) CCLG:

Team leader: the head of the garden

Team members: teaching and research team leader, deputy principal, teacher

2) Demonstration class:

Large class consists of 2 classes (students: 85)

Project Activities

1) Enter the school on October 28, 2021 to carry out demonstration class activities:

The project entered the school and carried out a series of "climate change" demonstration class activities


Group photo of demonstration class

2) On June 10, 2021, the project team visited the school:

The project team introduced the mutual love organization and project implementation direction to the school, and at the same time understood the school's needs and project ideas.
