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"Equipment donation public welfare action!” Send a computer to a village preschool teacher

Source:互满爱人与人国际运动联合会(瑞士)云南代表处Date:2022-10-27 13:50:39Click:397

wrote by YangJiqing

In 2022, the World Bank Office in China carried out a charity donation campaign, donating office equipment including laptops, projectors, docking stations and power chargers to the HPP Preschools of the Future project in batches.

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(Computer sign-off form for HPP POF)

The Preschools of the Future program focuses on remote rural areas where most of the teachers are temporary employed teachers from the village. They are not highly educated, but they expect to learn more to teach the children in the preschool.

Due to the limited conditions and resources of village preschool classes, many teachers use traditional handwriting to prepare lessons. In addition to the training organized by the project, the only equipment they normally have available is a mobile phone.

When the teachers received laptops donated by the World Bank Office in China, they found a treasure trove.

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Tengchong, Huize and Qiaojia hope their preschool teachers will receive computer donations 

Among them, a teacher from Tengchong's Preschools of the Future project said:

‘I started to learn about early childhood education in 2014. For a part-time teacher, the only way to make up for my lack of professional knowledge and skills is to study harder.

I have always used mobile phones as my main way of learning. Although it can solve some problems, it also has many disadvantages. Because of the small screen, I get eye strain after a while. The battery is not durable and runs out of power after several hours. If I attend online trainings organized by the project, I have to learn while charging.

When I got my first laptop, I was so happy that I didn't have to borrow a primary school computer anymore. Our preschool teachers began to learn how to use the computer to prepare lessons, how to search for preschool education information, preschool dances and other content to "recharge" themselves. The use of computer teaching, the text, image, sound, color combination, can improve the interest of children.

Now, we no longer need everyone to hold the mobile phone and "chew it".


Teachers are using computers

A computer does not only contribute to solve the rural preschool teachers’ general situation, but is a big step forward to promote the development of rural preschool education, and helps teachers to improve learning and increases the computerization of education.


Teachers use computers in learning

This time, with the support of the World Bank China Office, 47 laptops and other electronic devices were donated to the Huize Preschools of the Future project and the Huize office.

In addition, a total of 56 laptops have been donated by the World Bank China Office to teachers of the Preschools of the Future project which is being implemented by Shanghai HuJi Foundation, the brand franchise partner organization of the Preschools of the Future project.


Other Future Hope Preschool teachers have received computer donations

For rural preschool classes in rural areas, especially in remote areas, the World Bank China Office's "Equipment Donation" public welfare activity helps teachers solve the lack of equipment, promotes the development of preschool education in remote rural areas, and helps revitalize rural education.

Send a computer to rural preschool teachers, so that rural preschool education and rural teachers will no longer "chew" mobile phones!


Activity introduction:

The equipment donation was supported by the World Bank in China and included 128 laptops, 2 projectors, 1 desktop computer, docking stations and chargers. The main purpose of the donation is to solve the lack of equipment for the teachers in the rural areas covered by the project, and also to improve the internal development of the organization.
