Each place and each family has its own story. In Liangshan Prefecture, Butuo County, is a woman whose life changed through hope, trust and belief in the TCE Field Officer. The TCE Butuo Office staff met this woman when they visited one of the villages for monitoring and evaluatio
MOREEach place and each family has its own story. In Liangshan Prefecture, Butuo County, is a woman whose life changed through hope, trust and belief in the TCE Field Officer. The TCE Butuo Office staff met this woman when they visited one of the villages for monitoring and evaluatio
MOREThe conference, organised by The Union, is the world’s largest annual gathering of stakeholders working to end suffering caused by lung disease, focusing specifically on challenges faced by low- and middle-income countries. The theme this year, “Accelerating Toward Elimination
MOREOn April 23-24, 2017, Wang Xinlun of Secretary-general, Liu Peng and Qu Meixia of of Project Leader and Xie Yong of Project Officer from CASA, Gen Ming of Vice-Representative, Wu Lanna of Project Officer from Beijing Representative Office of Bill and Melinda Foundation American v
MOREOn September 7, 2017, the Federation for Associations connected to the International HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE Movement (Switzerland) Sichuan Representative Office was registered successfully under Sichuan Provincial Overseas NGO Management Office.On September 12,2017, Chief Repres
MORE“The real name for Little Lulu(Xiao Lulu) is Guo Shaolu. He is one of the students in my class. When he arrived at the school I immediately noticed that he was not willing to participate in any activities. He never took the initiative to talk with others. Based on his eccentric
MOREButuo County Women Federation (‘BTWF’) TCE Butuo is a 3.5 years HIV/AIDS project operating in Butuo County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. The idea of the project during the 3.5 years campaign is to achieve total control of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Butuo
MOREPiloting Carbon Financing Development for Community Driven Climate Smart Agriculture in Yunnan is a project which is was started with the help of Blue Moon Fund and is operating in Xundian Hui and Yi Autonomous County in Yunnan. It is one of the several “Farmers’ Clubs” projec
MOREIn Luojiachang Village, Sanyuan Township nearly 80% to 90% of young people have gone out to work, with each household remaining with one or two old people at home who take care of all the fields and animals. Because of the absence of young people in the village most of our villag
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MOREFinancial Manager (FM)Job Description1.Position Name: Financial Manager2.Report to: Country Director (CD)3.Location: Kunming, Yunnan Province4.Basic salary range: Commensurate with experience within HPPC's salary structure5.Basic Functions: a)Responsible for the proper maint
MOREIn Butuo County, Luojiaping Township is a village surrounded by mountains and the villagers’ homesteads are scattered around the hillside. Passing through the village it is possible to see that the villagers live an ordinary life. The Field Officer explained that the villagers l
MOREBori Village, Huolie is located in the southeastern part of Butuo County, near the township government. It is composed of 4 natural villages with a population of 1,465 people. Its main food crops are buckwheat, oats and potatoes. It is located on the cold highland area, averaging
MORESuch are the hands of a farmer, broken nails, fingers covered with visible scars. At first glance one would think they have never been washed but that is not the case, the hands have seen a lot of hard work throughout the years. These are common hands in the countryside. I cannot
MOREBori Village, Huolie is located in the southeastern part of Butuo County. It is composed of 4 natural villages, with a population of 1,465 people. It is located on the cold highland area, averaging over 2,500 meters above sea level. Most of the people in this area are so poverty