In August 2008, HPP launched the Preschools of the Future project in Taozizhai Village of Nansan Township, Zhenkang County. Until October 2016, the project has accumulated established 58 preschool classes in natural villages of Nansan, Mengdui, Junnong, Mangbing and Junsai Townsh
MORETCE (Total Control of the Epidemic) Yuexi isa one year HIV/AIDS program funded by China Association of STD and AIDSPrevention and Control (CASAPC) running from the 7th of April 2016to the 31st of March 2017 covering a population of 20,000 people.The main objective of the project
MORECDButuo is a one year Community Development program, funded by the New Zealand AidProgramme’s “China Development Project Fund”, administrated through the NewZealand Embassy in Beijing. Theproject started on the 1stof May 2015 and will run until the 31st of October 2016.The pro
MORECD Yuexi is a community developmentproject funded by the Baxter International Foundation. The main purpose of theproject is to improve the health of 200 children through instigating betternutrition by supporting the children’s families in small scale crop productionand animal hu
MOREXimeng Preschools of the Future Project aims to prevent poor children from becoming poor adults. It is a non-profit early childhood education project based in the community providing nurturing care, playful environment and stimulating activities to all children in the preschool.
MOREThe case story comes from Yunnan Kawadgarbo Initiative Preschools of the Future project. The project is implemented in the North West of Yunnan and is supported by UBS Optimus Foundation with cooperation from China Social Welfare Foundation and Right to Play (China). The project
MOREShanghai based Huang Yicong Charity Foundation - after visiting HPP Yunnan Zhenkang Preschool of the Future Project from March 11 to March 13, 2014 - agreed to implement a “Preschool of the Future Project” in Pu’er City of Yunnan Province. In 2015 the project site was finally
MOREClimate Smart Agriculture is a project funded by Blue Moon Fund and is operating in Xundian Hui and Yi Autonomous County in Yunnan. The project was officially launched on the 1st of January 2015 and is a two year program which will run until December 2016. The project is designed
MOREIn August 2008, HPP (Humana People to People) launched the Preschools of the Future project in Taozizhai village of Nansan township, Zhenkang County. Since then a number of preschools have been established. Currently there are 29 preschools in operation. The preschool classes are
MORETCE (Total Control of the Epidemic) project was launched on the 20th May 2014 in Butuo County Liangshan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. The idea of the project during the 3years campaign is to achieve total control of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Butuo County among a populat
MOREThe “Preschools of the Future”project in Zhenkang is implemented by the Poverty Alleviation Office of Zhenkang County and Humana People to People China. The project is funded by various donors, there among China Charities Aid Foundation for Children. From August 2008 to Decembe
MOREButuo Country is located in southeastern Sichuan Liangshan Prefecture, which covers an area of 1685 square kilometers, 2385 meters above sea level. Butuo is an alpine mountain farming and animal husbandry County. The County is inhabited by the Yi, Han, Tibetan, Hui, Miao and a do
MOREIn order to promote educational fairness and have more children in rural area get access to high-quality preschool education, The Leping Social Entrepreneur Foundation, together with Macao Tong Chai Charity Association, organized the ‘Rural Preschool Education Collective Influen
MOREThe concept of Climate-Smart Agriculture (‘CSA’) was put forward by Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 2010, to describe a new triple-win path of realizing food security, climate change adaptation and emission reduction at the same time. CSA has been tried in several co
MORESpeaking of the remote rural school, most people would imagine it like this: an old classroom, several old desks and maybe broken chairs, a travel-stained teacher, a group of lovely kids, each pair of eyes eager for knowledge.But, with the joint efforts of the county Poverty Alle