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Source:互满爱人与人国际运动联合会(瑞士)云南代表处Date:2021-09-09 09:39:21Click:1271





For project contract

CSO-LA/2019/410-062: Systematic de-carbonization strategic plan development for Yunnan Province education institutions

Local project name: Yunnan Low Carbon School Pilot Project (‘YLCSPP’)



Contracting authority

The Federation for Associations connected to the International HUMANA PEOPLE TO PEOPLE Movement (Switzerland) Yunnan Representative Office (‘YNRO’)

Apt. 802/ Unit 7/ Building 3, Zhongchan Fengshang Residences,

349 Chuanjin Road, Panlong District,

650 224 Kunming City, Yunnan Province, China

Contracting authority description

YNRO is an organization supporting people in need - foremost in poor rural villages – and aiming at sustainable development with an ‘Open Future’ for everyone. It is a non-political, non-religious, non-profit organization. We are registered as a Non-profit Overseas NGO Representative Office with number G1530000568809996M at the Yunnan Public Security Department.

We are committed to creating better development opportunities for disadvantaged groups through solidary actions, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with those in need, striving for a better future.

Our development work is rooted in a commitment to support people in a collective process that supports people to make changes, improve their lives and solve their problems.


Through our work we want to bridge the four big social gaps in China: Urban-Rural, East-West, Rich-Poor, and the gender gap. From 2005 to 2020, our projects in the sectors of rural preschool education, green poverty alleviation, rural community development and health and nutrition benefitted more than 3.9 million people.


Overall objective of project

The overall objective of the project of which this contract will be a part is as follows:

Yunnan Low-carbon Schools Pilot Project is funded by the European Union and implemented by the People to People Foundation (Spanish member of HPP) in cooperation with FAIHPP (Switzerland) Yunnan Representative Office (‘YNRO’), Yunnan Academy for Science and Technical Information, Southwest Forestry University, Chinese Youth Climate Action Network, Green Kunming (Kunming Environmental Popular Science Association) and  Kunming Good Deed Public Welfare Community Development Service Center with a project cycle from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2023. The project begins by increasing partners’ awareness and advocacy on climate change mitigation and environmental protection, by raising climate change awareness among 600 schools, 70,000 students and teachers, determine the emission benchmark through basic calculation, and then implement emission reduction work in 50 Pilot Schools in Kunming City. Use science, technology, innovation and other means to respond to “climate action” to accelerate environmental sustainability and promote the transition from green campuses to low-carbon and carbon-neutral campuses.

Purpose of this request for tender

The purposes of this contract are as follows:

1. Provide written emission baseline draft reports to Yunnan Academy of Scientific & Technical information/ Yunnan CDM Technical Service Center (‘CDMC’) for 50 Pilot Schools based on onsite visits

2. Provide school based feasible emission reduction implementation plan draft suggestions to CDMC for 50 Pilot Schools and present them physically to the schools through a 2nd visit

3. Provide online and offline technical support to the implementation of the emission reduction plans for 30 Pilot Schools

4. Provide emission end-line draft reports to CDMC for 30 Pilot Schools

5. Provide 30 offline trainings to participating schools and project teams


Results to be achieved by the contractor

1. 50 written emission baseline draft reports for 50 Pilot Schools based on onsite visits.

2. 50 school based feasible emission reduction implementation plan draft suggestions for 50 Pilot Schools and present them physically to the schools through a 2nd visit.

3. Online and offline technical support delivered to the implementation of the emission reduction plans for 30 Pilot Schools.

4. 30 emission end-line draft reports for 30 Pilot Schools.

5. 30 offline trainings held to participating schools and project teams.

6. The draft reports and draft suggestions must of such quality, that CDMC accepts them as drafts, as CDMC will issue the final reports and suggestions based on the consultants’ drafts.


Assumptions underlying the tender work

The YNRO project team has enrolled the school into the project and will do the appointment for the school visits and accompany under the school visits.

The schools are located in Kunming City’s 14 districts, counties and town.

Schools have provided selected base data for scope 1,2 and 3 emission.


The selected base data for scope 1,2 and 3 emission might not be accurate, as the logistic department responsible for energy, water, waste, etc might have a wrong understanding of which data is required, even the project team has given training on this.

So the consultant needs to consider the reliability of data provided and potentially require more information from the school.




3.1.1. Description of the assignment

Over the period from 15.9.2021 until 15.11.2023 visit 50 schools selected by the YNRO project office, and write for each of them an 8-12 pages baseline emission report draft with Baseline data provided to consultant company by the school and then based on the local conditions and the baseline situation, write an emission reduction suggestions draft report of 30-40 pages and after approval of contracting authority and CDMC present it in person to the school in a 2nd visit so they understand the suggestions and their basis correctly.

Then provide offline and online technical support to the 30 schools which commit to implement the suggestions.

Then in 2nd half of 2023 to draft the end-line reports of the 30 schools, based on their latest data, in order to have evidence of potential (and desired) emission reductions of 15% / capita compared to baseline.

During the 26 month contract period to deliver 30 onsite trainings of between 1-2 hour length to the 30 schools or the relevant project partners

3.1.2. Geographical area to be covered

50 schools inside Kunming City, concentrated in the central districts.

3.1.3. Target groups

50 Pioneer schools, enrolled into the project.

Specific work

1. Review and analyse the energy, water, waste etc information provided by the 50 schools.

2. Do the first visit to the 50 schools and observe the local conditions and meet the relevant logistics people in charge.

3. Write the 50 baseline report drafts and submit to YNRO and after approval to CDMC.

4. Write the 50 emission reduction implementation plan suggestions drafts and submit to YNRO and after approval to CDMC.

5. Do 2nd visit to the 50 schools and present and explain the suggestions to the relevant responsible persons.

6. Provide offline and online technical support to assist the 30 schools selected by YNRO to realize the suggestions.

7. During July – November 2023 issue the 30 end-line emission report drafts and submit to YNRO and after approval to CDMC.

8. During the contract period provide 30 offline trainings to participating schools and project teams of 1-2 hours length in subjects of emission measurement, emission factors, national reporting systems, national and provincial emission reduction policies and other technical mitigation related issues as per the request of the YNRO project office.

Project management

3.1.4. Responsible body

Contact:YNRO, YLCSPP project office, Ms. Liu Xi,




3.1.5. Management structure

Liu Xi manages the contact to the 50/30 schools and coordinates the timing and location of visits and trainings with the consultant.

She reviews and comments the first report drafts and after her approval submits to Team Leader Michael Hermann for final approval.

Thereafter the final drafts will be submitted by the consultant to CDMC.



The YLCSPP project office is located in Kunming, Panlong District, Room 1101, Building No.4, Wanhongguoji at the intersection of Wanhong Road and Lianmeng Road.


Out of pocket expense/logistics

The following logistics expenses are not part of the tender request and will be settled directly against proper vouchers:     

Travel costs, based on 2 CNY/Kilometer, all inclusive    

Accommodation (after agreement for remote counties= >80 km) 150 CNY/hotel night/room

Meal support  40 CNY/meal/person for lunch (or dinner if night stay for outside inner city schools, minimum 2 schools/county on 1 day)    


Start date & period of implementation of tasks

The intended start date is 20.09.2021 and the period of implementation of the contract will be 26 months from this date.

If the enrolled number of pioneer schools exceeds 50, the contracting authority might request a tender for the same services for the additional number of schools, depending on the project budget available.  The 2nd request might use the negotiation with the winner of the 1st request as basis.




Current Civil servants and other staff of the public administration of China, or of international/ regional organisations based in the country, cannot be hired.

5.1.1. Expertise required

Qualifications and skills, general and specific professional experience

Consultants performing these services shall have worked with emission calculations, emission reporting and emission mitigations technical solutions for at least 10 years.

Consultants shall have strong expertise and intimate knowledge of Chinese regulations for emission measurements, calculations, reporting rules and current national and provincial policies of both NDRC and MEE and their relevant local counterparts.

All experts must be independent and free from conflicts of interest in the responsibilities they take on.


5.1.2. Other experts, support staff & backstopping

CVs for experts should be submitted in the tender. The contractor shall select and hire other experts as required according to the needs. The selection procedures used by the contractor to select these experts shall be transparent, and shall be based on pre-defined criteria, including professional qualifications, language skills and work experience.

The costs for support staff, as needed, are considered to be included in the tenderer's financial offer.

Office accommodation

Office accommodation for each expert working on the contract is to be provided by the contractor.


The expert provides his/her own equipment. No equipment is provided by the contracting authority.


Reporting requirements

The contractor will submit the following reports in Chinese in one signed scanned digital or paper  original and the related WORD file:

· Monthly progress reports of maximum 2 pages to be produced latest the 7th day of the following month. In the report the contractor shall summarize the work done in the month (visit of which schools, which reports issues, which technical support provided, list the planned work for next month and describe any difficulties encountered or expected

Submission and approval of reports

The report referred to above must be submitted to the project manager identified in the contract. The project manager is responsible for approving the reports.


Qualifications and skills, general and specific professional experience

The services to be performed under section 3.1.3 shall be priced on ‘Global Price’ (including taxes)  principle, so there is a global price for

1. Each initial visit

2. Each baseline draft report

3. Each emission reduction implementation plan suggestion draft report

4. Each  2nd visit

5. Technical support for each selected target school

6. Each end-line draft report.

7. Each offline training


School visits should not exceed 4 hours onsite.

Training will not exceed 2 hours onsite.

A unified global price including tax for the above outputs is preferred.



Tenders with scanned stamped letter of interest and detailed quotation  should be submitted before 16.9.2021 at 24:00

by email to with relevant attachments (company registration certificate/ business license, evidence for latest annual check passed, company introduction, listing of relevant previous projects and CV of suggested expert(s).
