
Home \  Project News \ Chongqing Rural Micro Enterprise Development Program is running smoothly with various trainings conducted

Chongqing Rural Micro Enterprise Development Program is running smoothly with various trainings conducted

Source:Humana People to People ChinaDate:2014-07-04 00:00:00Click:830

Citi-HPP Chongqing (Wulong) Rural Micro Enterprise Development Program has been running well since it started in January 2014.
Farming Instructors were recruited and trained in January and February, and started visiting houses door-to-door to conduct surveys and mobilize farmers to join in the Farmers’ Clubs (FC). They also promoted the conception of Community Development Fund (CDF) amongst farmers. Until now,  29 FCs and 3 CDF have been established.
Trainings started in March. Up until June, the project team organized various trainings, such as: skills on breeding cows and goats, honey suckle planting, tobacco transplanting, pest control and prevention, tea planting, biogas digester maintenance, family financing, CDF financial management, computer operation, and others.
The project team has provided accumulative capital of RMB460,000 through Community Development Funds to June 17.

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The township leader explaining the necessary requirements for one to qualify for a loan on CDF training.

Farmers participating in training


Farming instructor visits the honey suckle planting site


Farmers’ Club committee visiting the farmers

Financial instruction

