Project BackgroundWulong County is situated in the south-eastern part of Chongqing Municipality, it is a nationally designated poverty county. Haokou Miao and Yilao Minority Township is in the north-eastern corner of Wulong County, it has an area of 84.5 square kilometres and is
MOREProject Location Zhenkang County - a nationally designated poverty county - is located in Lincang City in the south-western part of Yunnan province, bordering Myanmar on the western side. 98% of the region is mountainous. The total population is 170,000, with 23 ethnic minorities
MOREProject LocationButuo County is located in the Sichuan Province Liangshan Yi Minority Autonomous Prefecture, with an area of 1,685 square kilometres. The county’s capital is 2,385 meters above sea level; it is a Yi minority high altitude mountainous region which half of the year
MOREProject BackgroundPoverty is a multi-faceted phenomenon, there are many causes triggering poverty and thus many methods of solving the issue of poverty. Poor facilities and infrastructure is only part of the issue, we also need to recognize that people’s lack of confidence, awar
MOREProject BackgroundAccording to the World Bank China has lifted 500 million people out of poverty in the past three decades. This may be an astonishing number, however, we must not overlook the fact that a large number of Chinese people remain living in severe poverty. 99 million
MOREProject BackgroundEarly childhood is a critical stage for a person’s cognitive and emotional development. Prior to the existence of institutions for formal education, learning begins from the infantile period and continues to last a whole lifetime. Preschool education is crucial
MOREProject LocationBaitu Township and Puzi Township are located in the south-east part of Wanzhou District of Chongqing Municipality, bordering with Hubei province. This region is mountainous in landscape, extending over an area of 80 square kilometers. 36, 000 people live in this v