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Cultural Performance Gala Evening to Welcome the New Year!

Source:Humana People to People ChinaDate:2014-04-30 00:00:00Click:790
HPP’s Preschools of the Future Project and Farmers’ Clubs Project in Zhenkang County joined hands to celebrate the New Year 2014 with a Cultural Performance Gala Evening in Taozizhai Village. The festive occasion added much vibrancy to the village life while also providing an opportunity for parents to interact and play with the children. Villagers, parents and children all actively participated. Some of them contributed performances to the evening; it was indeed a very delightful celebration!

The atmosphere of the gala evening was lively and bustling with noise and excitement, the villagers all crowded towards the stage to either show their talent or watch the performance. A villager named Chen Fangmei was especially active during the event, she was originally only lined up for one performance but returned to the stage many times to deliver more impromptu performances.

Under the influence of these active participants, many villagers who were initially only sitting in the audience decided to jump on stage to showcase their talent. Villager Mr. Li sang a song “Inside the Iron Window”(铁窗内)without prior preparation, despite not having accompaniment music he sang well and all the people listened quietly to his song. There were many more Impromptu performances that evening, the performance items may be simple but nonetheless all the villagers were entertained and applauded happily.

We consider this type of cultural celebration to be a wonderful way of celebration and making village life more interesting, it is also a display of the community culture. Zhenkang is populated by many different ethnic minorities, each with its own unique cultural customs and traditions. Through embracing traditional culture and artistic expression of the local heritage, we can savour more fun and delight in the ordinary day to day life, thereby creating a happier village community.