Tengchong Rural Preschool Teachers Empowerment Project--Strengthen the growth of rural teachers

Author: Long Yaowu, Assistant of national partnership teamYang Meixian, a native of Tengchong, majored in preschool education. After graduating in 1997, she joined the central kindergarten in Wuhe Township, Tengchong. After 27 years, Mrs. Yangstill sticks to the front line of rural preschool education.Mrs.Yang's job in kindergarten is to lead children to carry out daily activities such as leading children to sing, dance and play some simple

Let the children in the villages on the Jinsha River enjoy the fun of reading

Qiaojia County hasthe most complex topography in Yunnan Province, and is separated from Liangshan in Sichuan Province by the Jinsha River. The topography of the county is dominated by mountains, which account for 98.9% of the total area of the county. Most of the towns and villages are on the ridges along the Jinsha River, with high valleys, deep and steep mountain roads, and altitudes ranging from 800 to 3,000 meters above sea level. Most of the

Yunnan Synetics Partnership for Civic Organizational Development Visits Chongqing FoCC Project

Author: Huang Zixi, Assistant of national partnership teamOn April 21, 2024, Shen Dingfang, Executive Director of the Yunnan SyneticsPartnershipfor Civic Organizational Development, and staff member Zuo Anqiao, accompanied by the Qinggangya village secretary, project director Li Xiaojun, and project support staff QiChao, visited the HPPChongqing Rural Livelihoods ClimateChangeAdaptation Project.The HPP Chongqing Rural Livelihoods Climate Adaptati

Hand-made environmental protection bags have brought me unexpected changes

Author: Tengchong Payun preschool teacher: Gao HuanrunSince the implementation of the project of HPP’s ‘Preschools of the Future’(POF) project, the opportunities for training and learning of our rural preschool teachers have increased. After pre-job training, monthly training and holiday training, I have mastered the essentials and methods of Learning-Through-Play teaching, and know how to use teaching aids to lead children to explore and disc


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  • 澳门同济慈善会
  • Genwell foundation
  • 明日中华教育基金会
  • 珠海大地幼教服务有限公司
  • 德国米苏尔社会发展基金会
  • 勃林格殷格翰(中国)投资有限公司
  • 利保益基金会(德国)北京代表处
  • 益行公益社区发展服务中心
  • 绿色昆明
  • 欧洲联盟驻华代表团
  • 互满爱人与人西班牙
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  • 西南林业大学
  • 黄奕聪慈善基金会
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  • 腾讯公益慈善基金会
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  • 美国蓝月亮基金会
  • (美国)国家地理空气与水保护基金
  • 昆明野地环境发展研究所
  • 阿特拉斯•科普柯(中国)投资有限公司
  • 中国性病艾滋病防治协会
  • 中国社会福利基金会
  • 中欧国际工商学院EMBA北京16级1班
  • 法国兴业银行
  • 精锐人居发展基金会
  • 正荣公益基金会
  • 起点工程
  • 阿斯麦基金会
  • 世界银行
  • 云南省青少年发展基金会
  • 百特中国(投资)有限公司
  • 爱贝天使基金
  • 上海联劝公益基金会
  • 田家炳基金会
  • 招商局慈善基金会
  • Macao Tong Chai Chrity Association
  • HPP Spain
  • UFF
  • Huang Yicong Charity Foundation
  • China Merchants Charitable Foundation
  • Novozymes
  • NIKE
  • Bayer
  • Tencent Foundation
  • Europe-China Culture & Economy Commission
  • Carrefour Foundation
  • Sohu Gongyi
  • New Zealand Embassy
  • Citi Foundation
  • 全球合作伙伴和资助方(英文)
  • 全球合作伙伴和资助方(英文)
  • 全球合作伙伴和资助方(英文)
  • Shanghai United Foundation
  • China Charities Aid Foundation for Children
  • 澳门同济慈善会
  • HPP Lithuania
  • HPP Spain
  • UFF
  • 黄奕聪慈善基金会
  • 招商局慈善基金会
  • 腾讯公益慈善基金会
  • 搜狐公益
  • NIKE
  • Boehringer Ingelheim
  • 欧盟中国
  • 上海联劝公益基金会
  • 中华儿慈会
  • 新西兰大使馆
  • Novozymes
  • 全球合作伙伴
  • 全球合作伙伴
  • 全球合作伙伴
  • 家乐福基金会
  • 花旗集团基金会
  • 拜耳(中国)有限公司